Salia Rehab is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID# 6512. This Distance Learning - Independent activity is offered at .2 CEUs, intermediate level, Occupational Therapy Service Delivery. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA or indicate AOTA approval of a certification or other professional recognition.

Course Overview

This AOTA approved continuing education class will introduce you to evidence-based practice surrounding stroke shoulder including what it is, why it occurs and latest treatment interventions.

The online class is intended for medical professionals (e.g. OT/OTA, PT/PTA, Physicians, etc.) directly related to the rehabilitation of a patient or client. To participate in this CEU and receive credit, the participant must be a licensed, treating clinician. Completion of this course will reward the participant with .2 CEUs or 2 contact hours, following completion of the presentation and a ≥ 80% score on the quiz. You will have 90 days to complete this course.

Some of the Questions Answered in this Course Include:

  • What are the primary muscles responsible for arm elevation in a healthy shoulder?

  • What are the most common causes of stroke shoulder pain and how do you reduce it?

  • What does the research say about improving frozen shoulder?

  • What causes shoulder subluxation and what does the evidence state regarding treatment?

  • Are taping, slings and braces effective?

Course Trailer

Course Curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. Learning Outcomes

    3. Presentation Manual & References

    4. Watch Course

    5. Course Review

    6. Quiz

    7. Course Feedback

About this course

  • 2 Contact Hours / .2 CEUs
  • Online Self-Study Course
  • Speaker Video and Slide Content

Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze stroke shoulder pain statistics and trends.

  • Examine the anatomy and biomechanics of a normal shoulder joint complex.

  • Analyze the muscles contributing to normal arm elevation.

  • Examine the pathomechanics of a hemiplegic shoulder.

  • Identify 5 common stroke shoulder pathologies.

  • Categorize what treatment interventions are considered beneficial vs. inconclusive for improving shoulder pain, ROM and motor function.


Henry Hoffman


Henry is known as a purveyor of neuroplasticity-based treatment and co-founder of Saebo, a leading provider of novel and evidence-based stroke recovery solutions. For over 20 years, he has provided hundreds of national and international brain injury/stroke courses certifying thousands of occupational and physical therapists worldwide. Henry’s first stroke product, the SaeboFlex, was placed on permanent public display at the Wellcome Medicine Galleries exhibit at the Science Museum in London. The SaeboFlex was alongside other medical breakthrough technologies spanning the last 500 years, including the first MRI machine and the penicillin mold. With the understanding that there is no expiration date on neuroplasticity, Henry believes that patients can continue to make gains many years post-stroke and live a happy, healthy, and more independent life.


  • Cancellations

    By completing your purchase, you agree that you are purchasing a digital course, and as such are not entitled to a refund once accessed. If something has not met your needs, please email us.

  • Extra Accommodations

    Please provide extra accommodation requests via email to [email protected] explaining what you require to participate in the course(s) of your choosing. We will do our best to accommodate you.

  • Disclosures

    Financial disclosures: Henry Hoffman is the Co-founder of Saebo. Sponsor Disclosure: This Course is provided by Salia Rehab, LLC. Content Disclosure: This continuing education course does not focus exclusively on any specific product or service.